some iridescent purple hunting leathers embossed with a gleaming silver unicorn

The vibrant color shimmers with rich hues reminiscent of a pre-dawn sky. Bright silver animates the image rendered across the front. A magnificent unicorn rears on powerful hind legs, pawing the air with its front hooves. The muscular neck is arched sharply, displaying the elegant lines of an exquisite spiral horn. A cleverly applied amethyst gleams from beneath a tousled forelock, giving the creature a distinctly mischievous expression.

Auctioneer Raelani says, "They cover arms, legs, and torso."

Auctioneer Raelani says, "And protect good from puncture, slice, and impact."

Auctioneer Raelani says, "Absorb punctures and slices fairly, and impacts moderately."

Opening Bid: 100 Kronars

Winning Bid: 1000000 Kronars

Winning Bidder: Nuich