|  I am but a simple potter and bowl maker.        |
|  I offer up my jars and bowls to you in hope     |
|  that you can use them in your day to day life.  |
|                                                  |
|  I have for sale the following:                  |
|    * Various colored clay and stone jars that    |
|      come with cork stoppers.                    |
|    * Some wonderful veined granite mortars and   |
|      pestles crafted from granite mined out of   |
|      the mighty Dragonspine Mountains.           |
|    * The finest withwood stirring rods shaved    |
|      from the lovely withwood trees found far    |
|      to the south.                               |
|                                                  |
|    I also have a very limited supply of iron     |
|    kettles and a couple giant cauldrons I am     |
|    willing to part with.                         |
|                                                  |
|             Thank you for perusing my wares,     |
|                                                  |
|                       Nefari                     |