|                                                        |
| We here just got simple rules, but ya better obey 'em! |
|                (Or we'll throw ya out!)                |
|                                                        |
| 1) Have your design ready, if you don't, we'll throw   |
|    you out.                                            |
| 2) If you don't accept our changes when we say that's  |
|    all we can do, we'll throw you out.                 |
| 3) Our prices vary, but if you think we charge too     |
|    much, we'll throw you out.                          |
| 4) We got runners, but if you complain about their     |
|    speed, we'll throw you out.                         |
| 5) If you join a list a second time, we'll throw you   |
|    out.                                                |
| 6) We have the right at any time to throw you out for  |
|    any reason.                                         |
| 7) If you don't think we have the right to throw you   |
|    out, we'll throw you out anyway.                    |
|                                                        |