some dark combat leathers painted with rivulets of fiery red lava

Price: 25000 Lirums

The dark leather is streaked with a mix of dark and bright red paint, representing molten lava. The serpent of Ush'nish lays calmly in the middle of the lava, relaxed as the destruction runs rampant around him. A hole in the back is made for a tail to fit through comfortably.

The combat leathers are leather armor.

The leathers look like they offer protection for the following areas:

right arm
left arm
right leg
left leg

You feel certain that some dark combat leathers painted with rivulets of fiery red lava appear to impose moderate maneuvering hindrance and offers:
moderate protection and moderate damage absorption for puncture attacks.
moderate protection and moderate damage absorption for slice attacks.
good protection and moderate damage absorption for impact attacks.
low protection and moderate damage absorption for fire attacks.
fair protection and moderate damage absorption for cold attacks.
moderate protection and moderate damage absorption for electrical attacks.

If you were only maneuvering in some dark combat leathers painted with rivulets of fiery red lava you could expect to be insignificantly hindered.

You are certain that the combat leathers are of average strength, and are in pristine condition.

The combat leathers are fairly soft.