You notice an odd, almost godly aura about Maece.

You see GameMaster Maece Cathayn, a Gnome Paladin.
She has dark eyes. Her russet hair is very long and thick, and is worn unkempt. She has fair skin.
Maece has transcended time.
She is in good shape.

She is holding a willow cart in her right hand and a crate filled with gifts in her left.
She is wearing a lollipop sack, a dark leather pouch, a ferocious Tart launcher, A gold badge etched with the words "I love Paladins", Maece's widdle pouch, a thick black studded-leather collar with bold red letters that spell: "MENTOR SLAVE", some green plastic flipflops, some orange vinyl leggings, a fake baldhead wig, a debate sack, a gold badge etched with the words "I love Thieves", a Maece OK sack, a diminutive heavy half plate engraved with the image of a Gnome standing proudly atop a heap of fallen foes, a double-stranded nose ring shaped like a pair of copper cymbals, a polished silver badge, a polished silver badge and some white cotton bandages with a ruby-red dot of blood.