[Cheep & E-Z Petz Kumpanie, Showroom]
The first thing you notice upon entering this establishment is the odd smell lingering in the air. There are so many different odors that the resulting conglomeration is one that doesn't seem quite...right. As you browse, you occasionally identify whiffs of vanilla, potpourri, musk oil, cinnamon, roses, and (oddly enough) what you think is bleach, something that hints of formaldehyde, and a very strong occasional burst of pine. You also see a glass display case with some stuff on it, a sloppy hand-written sign, a crooked table with some stuff on it, a cardboard box with some stuff on it, and a wooden door.
Obvious exits: none.

A sloppy hand-written sign reads:
Aur petz ar gewd. Yew bi wun n tak em fer walkz n stuf lyk dat. Sum er big, sum er hevy, so dun wyne if yew caint shuv em in yer bakpak er sumthin. Cheep n eezy sow we howp yew lyk em cuz we lyk cheep n eezy stuf to.

On the display case you see a fluffy dead sheep with a pink bow tied around the tail, a dead brown and white guinea-pig, an expired blue parrot with a stick nailed to his feet, a small dead dried-up goldfish, a dead rat snake with a large bulge in the middle, a raggedy dead raccoon with caravan wheel-marks running across it and a desiccated dead squirrel with a long fluffy tail.

a fluffy dead sheep with a pink bow tied around the tail is 8118 Dokoras
Soft and fluffy, the sheep looks like the perfect pet. Except for it being dead, of course.

The dead sheep is incredibly pliant.
You estimate that the dead sheep weighs around 100 stones.
You are certain that the dead sheep is worth exactly 8118 dokoras.

a dead brown and white guinea-pig is 4510 Dokoras
The tiny creature's eyes are sewn shut with coarse twine, forming little "X"s on either side of the nose.

The brown and white guinea-pig is incredibly pliant.
You guess that the brown and white guinea-pig weighs about 38 stones.
You are certain that the brown and white guinea-pig is worth exactly 4510 dokoras.

an expired blue parrot with a stick nailed to his feet is 4961 Dokoras
This parrot seems to be a specimen of the rare "Therengian blue" variety. Its eyes are closed indicating that it might just be sleeping. You take note of its beautiful plumage.

The dead parrot is extremely soft.
You wonder if the dead parrot probably weighs a few hundred stones.
You are certain that the dead parrot is worth exactly 4961 dokoras.

a small dead dried-up goldfish is 2255 Dokoras
This mummified creature is actually closer to a fishstick than an actual goldfish, however the scales remain bright and shiny. You are confident that all the water in the Segoltha wouldn't help to rehydrate this poor creature, although you're somewhat comforted by the fact that you'll at least save a bit of coin on fish food.

The dead goldfish is incredibly pliant.
You estimate that the dead goldfish probably weighs a few stones.
You are certain that the dead goldfish is worth exactly 2255 dokoras.

a dead rat snake with a large bulge in the middle is 6765 Dokoras
This rat snake is about a foot and a half long. About seven inches along its body, a large bulge can be seen, probably what's left of its last meal.

The dead snake is fairly soft.
It appears that the dead snake can be worn around the neck.
You wonder if the dead snake probably weighs several tens of stones.
You are certain that the dead snake is worth exactly 6765 dokoras.

a raggedy dead raccoon with caravan wheel-marks running across it is 5412 Dokoras
This raccoon has obviously seen better days, as its body is criss-crossed with wheel-marks from various caravans, wagons, and carts. Despite all the abuse, the raccoon's tail remains in pristine condition and is still quite soft and fluffy.

The dead raccoon is extremely soft.
You think it is likely that the dead raccoon probably weighs a few tens of stones.
You are certain that the dead raccoon is worth exactly 5412 dokoras.

a desiccated dead squirrel with a long fluffy tail is 4059 Dokoras
Bright glass eyes stare blankly back at you from the shriveled yet fluffy grey squirrel. The rigidity of its petrified form holds a stretched-out pose that would slide nicely into a small sheath.

The dead squirrel is extremely soft.
You wonder if the dead squirrel might weigh a few stones.
You are certain that the dead squirrel is worth exactly 4059 dokoras.

On the crooked table you see a flea-bitten squirrel with a tattered tail, a dead puppy, a mangy flea bitten dead baby yak, a stinkin' dead dingo with a bloated belly, a stiff and fluffy dead grey cat, a dung-matted dead monkey wearing a wicked sneer and a puce eyepatch, a stiff brown ferret, a gangly pullayur skewered with arrows and a tiny white mouse.

a flea-bitten squirrel with a tattered tail is 4059 Dokoras
Within its hardened claws a half cracked nut awaits being eaten. A piece of that same nut appears to be the last thing the squirrel tasted as it's stuck firmly in its windpipe. Maybe he should have been a bit less eager to crack that particular nut.

The flea-bitten squirrel is incredibly pliant.
You think it is likely that the flea-bitten squirrel probably weighs a few stones.
You are certain that the flea-bitten squirrel is worth exactly 4059 dokoras.

a dead puppy is 5863 Dokoras
Limp and spongy, this puppy looks absolutely normal except for the crushed skull it has, with the glassy eyes bulging from it.

The dead puppy is moderately soft.
You are confident that the dead puppy weighs around 15 stones.
You are certain that the dead puppy is worth exactly 5863 dokoras.

a mangy flea bitten dead baby yak is 8569 Dokoras
This poor baby animal has definitely seen better days. Besides being dead, it appears to have been run over repeatedly by careless caravan drivers.

The dead baby yak is somewhat pliable.
You are confident that the dead baby yak weighs about 1020 stones.
You are certain that the dead baby yak is worth exactly 8569 dokoras.

a stinkin' dead dingo with a bloated belly is 6765 Dokoras
Tufts of mangy yellowish-brown fur matted down with unidentifiable putrid slime completely cover what is left of this poor creature. Maggots spew forth from a mouth frozen in one last final snarl.

The dead dingo is extremely soft.
You are confident that the dead dingo weighs about 37 stones.
You are certain that the dead dingo is worth exactly 6765 dokoras.

a stiff and fluffy dead grey cat is 5863 Dokoras
Mouth open in perpetual howl, the passing of this poor creature was anything but pleasant, if the state of its frightened gaze or the ragged end of a stick down its throat are any indication.

The dead cat is fairly malleable.
You are confident that the dead cat might weigh a few hundred stones.
You are certain that the dead cat is worth exactly 5863 dokoras.

a dung-matted dead monkey wearing a wicked sneer and a puce eyepatch is 6314 Dokoras
Leathery lips pull back in a permanent sneer from the monkey's long yellow teeth, seeming to mock you even in death! The dried dung matting its scraggly fur powders off easily in one's hands and leaves behind a musky odor. A rounded depression in the animal's back appears to be an elephant track.

The dead monkey is moderately soft.
You are confident that the dead monkey weighs about 10 stones.
You are certain that the dead monkey is worth exactly 6314 dokoras.

a stiff brown ferret is 4059 Dokoras
The ferret stares fixedly at you with liquid brown eyes, its mouth slightly open. The tiny legs and sweet little paws have been carefully wired to allow different poses. The luxuriant sleek fur is marred only by the slight matting around the spike through its belly. Luckily you can fluff up the fur to hide the spike.

The stiff ferret is fairly soft.
You are confident that the stiff ferret might weigh several tens of stones.
You are certain that the stiff ferret is worth exactly 4059 dokoras.

a gangly pullayur skewered with arrows is 4510 Dokoras
This creature, eyes wide and mouth frozen agape in surprise at the fate which befell it, more closely resembles a porcupine than a pullayur. Its right hand has been chopped off, but there is evidence of healing before this unfortunate's death, indicating that in life it may have led a sordid existence.

You are confident that the dead pullayer weighs around 15 stones.
You are certain that the dead pullayer is worth exactly 4510 dokoras.

a tiny white mouse is 3157 Dokoras
Curled up in a fetal position, the mouse looks peaceful except for the open glassy eyes and the way its tiny claws are rigidly splayed.

The white mouse is fairly malleable.
You think it is likely that the white mouse might weigh a few stones.
You are certain that the white mouse is worth exactly 3157 dokoras.

On the cardboard box you see a dead white duck with a floppy neck, a ruffled headless canary, a bloated dead bovine with gangrenous hooves, a rotting skunk with a cork, a dead black rat with its throat ripped out, a flat dead orange cat with a small brass bell, a beige and white headless dead hamster and a dead brown gerbil with a crooked left ear.

a dead white duck with a floppy neck is 4510 Dokoras
Purple skin can be seen through missing patches of feathers, while the feet and beak have turned a glossy shade of black. The head dangles precariously at the base of the neck where two small white bones can be seen protruding.

The dead duck is extremely soft.
You believe that the dead duck might weigh a few tens of stones.
You are certain that the dead duck is worth exactly 4510 dokoras.

a ruffled headless canary is 3157 Dokoras
For the discerning music lover, this canary is the perfect pet. Apart from the gaping hole where the head used to be, it has all the loveliness of yellow ruffled plumage and the advantages of being dead quiet.

The headless canary is extremely soft.
You wonder if the headless canary probably weighs a few stones.
You are certain that the headless canary is worth exactly 3157 dokoras.

a bloated dead bovine with gangrenous hooves is 14883 Dokoras
Nearly half again its normal size, the bloated bovine's form is interestingly distorted. Its gangrenous hooves have nearly fallen entirely off and dried spittle about its twisted mouth is evidence of a wild death from mad-human disease.

The dead bovine is fairly soft.
You wonder if the dead bovine might weigh a few hundred stones.
You are certain that the dead bovine is worth exactly 14883 dokoras.

a rotting skunk with a cork is 5863 Dokoras
Obviously someone got annoyed because this skunk has a big fat cork shoved up its rear end. In miniscule writing on the side of the cork, you can just make out the scribble of "aint no Sunshine here".

The dead skunk is fairly malleable.
You wonder if the dead skunk might weigh a few tens of stones.
You are certain that the dead skunk is worth exactly 5863 dokoras.

a dead black rat with its throat ripped out is 3157 Dokoras
Its black fur matted with dried blood, the rat's head wobbles a little due to its broken neck. Obviously the rat put up a good but futile fight, because the claws on all its paws contain bits of its attacker's flesh.

The dead rat is fairly soft.
You wonder if the dead rat might weigh a few stones.
You are certain that the dead rat is worth exactly 3157 dokoras.

a flat dead orange cat with a small brass bell is 5863 Dokoras
Soft, cuddly and only one inch thick, the flattened feline is the perfect companion for those who travel light. A polished brass bell mashed into the cat's neck gleams brightly through the orange fur.

The dead cat is moderately soft.
You wonder if the dead cat probably weighs a few tens of stones.
You are certain that the dead cat is worth exactly 5863 dokoras.

a beige and white headless dead hamster is 3157 Dokoras
Small pink feet and stub tail protrude from a handful of fluff. A few waxed-linen strings and bits of loose stuffing hang from the hamster's neck, but the creature is an otherwise perfectly preserved specimen.

The dead hamster is moderately soft.
You wonder if the dead hamster weighs exactly 5 stones.
You are certain that the dead hamster is worth exactly 3157 dokoras.

a dead brown gerbil with a crooked left ear is 3157 Dokoras
This poor gerbil seems to have had its left ear pulled off accidently, only to have had it re-attached with several staples and a bit of glue. On closer inspection, you aren't quite sure that the two ears even match and think that the left one may have once belonged to a vole or possibly a small marmot.

The dead gerbil is extremely soft.
You are certain that the dead gerbil might weigh a few tens of stones.
You are certain that the dead gerbil is worth exactly 3157 dokoras.

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