Stealing at the Crossing Docks

As previously posted in the Complaints topic, neither Solomon nor I feel that flat out not allowing stealing in a room is particularly IC.

So, I've put in some mechs at the South Docks and Landfall docks that alleviate that flat, "You can't do that here." messaging. And, as a perk, a thief now does actually have a very small chance of succeeding in stealing from a player. That chance is within my personal comfort level of how I'd feel as a player going to a fest which I'd paid for -- to give you some idea of how small a chance. Still, I don't recommend people carry lots of plats (just in case!), but there's also no need to fret that we've just opened the Wild West, either.

In fact, I think everybody will find something to enjoy about the mechs, and if successful, you can expect to see guards posted at the other "no steal" areas with these mechs added -- at least until the stealing mechanics which other GMs have alluded to are in place. At that point, I'll revisit where I've designated secure areas.

Many thanks to Ssra and Zaedras, who were gracious enough QC the code on such short notice, and to Solomon who is allowing introduction at this time.
