some black gauntlets forged to resemble razor-sharp claws of a lion's paw

Price: 4059 Dokoras

Fashioned of metal plates, these gauntlets have been expertly forged to resemble a lion's paw. Long ornamental claws extend from each finger, carved with razor-sharp tips.

Some black gauntlets reads:
"Property of the Outcast Army"

The black gauntlets are heavy plate.

The gauntlets look like they offer protection for the following areas:

    right hand
    left hand

You feel certain that some black gauntlets forged to resemble razor-sharp claws of a lion's paw appear to impose fair maneuvering hindrance and offers:
    good protection and good damage absorption for puncture attacks.
    high protection and good damage absorption for slice attacks.
    moderate protection and good damage absorption for impact attacks.
    good protection and good damage absorption for fire attacks.
    moderate protection and good damage absorption for cold attacks.
    poor protection and good damage absorption for electrical attacks.

If you were only maneuvering in some black gauntlets forged to resemble razor-sharp claws of a lion's paw you could expect to be unhindered.

You are certain that the black gauntlets are moderately strong, and are in pristine condition.

The black gauntlets are made with metal.
You are certain that the black gauntlets weighs exactly 50 stones.
You are certain that the black gauntlets are worth exactly 4059 dokoras, 5625 kronars, or 4500 lirums.