some black leather gloves with ornamental ivory claws on each fingertip

Price: 1316 Dokoras

Reinforced with stiffened leather plates, these gloves are designed to hold up to the rigors of battle. Pale ivory has been carved into claws, so finely done they appear to have been harvested from a lion's paw.

Some leather gloves reads:
"Property of the Outcast Army"

The leather gloves are leather armor.

The gloves look like they offer protection for the following areas:

    right hand
    left hand

You feel certain that some black leather gloves with ornamental ivory claws on each fingertip appear to impose insignificant maneuvering hindrance and offers:
    fair protection and fair damage absorption for puncture attacks.
    low protection and fair damage absorption for slice attacks.
    fair protection and fair damage absorption for impact attacks.
    poor protection and fair damage absorption for fire attacks.
    fair protection and fair damage absorption for cold attacks.
    low protection and fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.

If you were only maneuvering in some black leather gloves with ornamental ivory claws on each fingertip you could expect to be unhindered.

You are certain that the leather gloves are of average strength, and are in pristine condition.

The leather gloves are fairly soft.
You are certain that the leather gloves weighs exactly 25 stones.
You are certain that the leather gloves are worth exactly 1316 dokoras, 1823 kronars, or 1459 lirums.