a darkened steel buckler painted with a lion standing over a fallen warrior

Price: 10824 Dokoras

Darkened steel provides a dramatic backdrop for the painted mural. Appearing to be roaring in triumph, the lion stands over its kill.

A darkened steel buckler reads:
"Property of the Outcast Army"

You are certain that it imposes a low maneuvering hinderance.

You are certain that the buckler offers rather low to good protection.

You are certain that the steel buckler is moderately strong, and is in pristine condition.

The steel buckler is made with metal.
It appears that the steel buckler can be slung over one shoulder.
You are certain that the steel buckler weighs exactly 95 stones.
You are certain that the steel buckler is worth exactly 10824 dokoras, 15000 kronars, or 12000 lirums.