a goat-hide shield painted with a majestic lion proudly seated on a sand dune

Price: 6314 Dokoras

Goat hide has been laid over a shield then allowed to bake in the sun, molding it to the metal. Covering the faded leather is a vibrantly painted mural of a lion proudly seated on a sand dune.

A goat-hide shield reads:
"Property of the Outcast Army"

You are certain that it imposes a low maneuvering hinderance.

You are certain that the shield offers rather low to good protection.

You are certain that the goat-hide shield is fairly sturdy, and is in pristine condition.

It appears that the goat-hide shield can be slung over one shoulder.
You are certain that the goat-hide shield weighs exactly 100 stones.
You are certain that the goat-hide shield is worth exactly 6314 dokoras, 8750 kronars, or 7000 lirums.