a jeweled tower shield inlaid with a pattern of clawed paw-prints

Price: 261580 Dokoras

Precious gems, carved to resemble the fiercely clawed paws of a lion, sparkle like the stars on a warm desert night. Inlaid into the shield's surface, they give the illusion of prints sunken into the sand.

A jeweled shield reads:
"Property of the Outcast Army"

You are certain that it imposes a moderate maneuvering hinderance.

You are certain that the shield offers rather low to great protection.

You are certain that the jeweled shield is fairly sturdy, and is in pristine condition.

The jeweled shield is made with metal.
It appears that the jeweled shield can be slung over one shoulder.
You are certain that the jeweled shield weighs exactly 200 stones.
You are certain that the jeweled shield is worth exactly 261580 dokoras, 362500 kronars, or 290000 lirums.