a steel-banded bone club tinted in the hues of a desert morning

Price: 81180 Dokoras

Femur bones harvested from war mammoths have been reinforced with steel bands, allowing the weapon to hold up in combat. Paint in the bright hues of a desert morning tints the club, making it a fearsome sight in battle.

A bone club reads:
"Property of the Outcast Army"

A steel-banded bone club tinted in the hues of a desert morning is a medium blunt melee-ranged weapon.

You are certain that it could do:
  poor puncture damage
  no slice damage
  heavy impact damage

You are certain that the club is fairly balanced and is reasonably suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.

You are certain that the bone club is fairly sturdy, and is in pristine condition.

The bone club is made with metal.
You are certain that the bone club weighs exactly 40 stones.
You are certain that the bone club is worth exactly 81180 dokoras, 112500 kronars, or 90000 lirums.