some studded chain body armor tinted the hues of a desert sunrise

Price: 23000 Dokoras

Each link of the finely woven chain has been tinted a different pale hue, giving the armor the appearance of a desert sunrise. Quilted cloth, woven from goat hair, lines the armor adding extra protection from the elements.

Some chain body armor reads:
"Property of the Outcast Army"

The body armor is heavy chain.

The armor looks like it offers protection for the following areas:

    right arm
    left arm
    right leg
    left leg

You feel certain that some studded chain body armor tinted the hues of a desert sunrise appears to impose great maneuvering hindrance and offers:
    good protection and good damage absorption for puncture attacks.
    good protection and good damage absorption for slice attacks.
    moderate protection and good damage absorption for impact attacks.
    moderate protection and good damage absorption for fire attacks.
    moderate protection and good damage absorption for cold attacks.
    poor protection and good damage absorption for electrical attacks.

If you were only maneuvering in some studded chain body armor tinted the hues of a desert sunrise you could expect to be somewhat hindered.

You are certain that the body armor is moderately strong, and is in pristine condition.

The body armor is made with metal.
The body armor is fairly flexible.
You are certain that the body armor weighs exactly 400 stones.
You are certain that the body armor is worth exactly 23000 dokoras, 31873 kronars, or 25499 lirums.