Summoning and Befriending Your Companion

  1. Locate the desired companion.
  2. Prepare 630
  3. Summon <noun>
    1. If a companion animal other than the one you want answers, you can dismiss it.
      1. Wait 30 minutes.
      2. Try again.
    2. If the companion you want answers the summons, interact positively with it - pet, rub, scratch, feed, etc. After a bit, it will let you befriend it.

Locate the desired companion

Once you know spell 630, you can SENSE what companion animals are present in a particular area. Once you've decided what you want, you can find the general area they're found in the charts in the GECP, and then the specific area through SENSing.

[Trail Ascent]
A tight, barely visible path squeezes between the towering pines and through the holly bush thickets. The serrated edges of the holly leaves tear at clothing and skin to make passage painful as well as arduous. Their presence so close against the trail indicates that neither adventurers nor creatures pass this way very often. Here and again a scrap of clothing or something akin to dried blood appears on one of the leaves, indicating that at least some others do venture this direction.
Obvious paths: west, down
You scan your surroundings, considering the various flora and fauna found here (and noting those which are absent). The indications of the cold, damp climate and the coniferous forest are clearly evident. You quickly note the signs of a black-tufted timber ocelot, a sleek spotted brown samoyed and a black-footed cloud porcupine having recently been in the area. Circling overhead is a bent-winged black condor. You don't see any other paths leading away from the area.
Roundtime: 7 sec.

Prepare 630

This one's pretty self explanatory.

>prep 630
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Animal Companion spell...
Your spell is ready.

Summon <noun>

This is the only time you'll ever use summon. Once you've befriended your companion, you'll use cast as the verb. You will also need to remember to summon something, even if it's just a generic companion. I'd suggest summoning the particular animal you want (summon ocelot, in this case); unfortunately, I didn't know that was an option.

You gesture.
You sense that you would probably have more luck obtaining a companion if you were to summon it.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

>prep 630
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Animal Companion spell...
Your spell is ready.
Summon what?
>summon companion
You open your senses wide and allow the desires and feelings of the areas denizens fill your mind. Warily, at the very edge of your perceptions, you feel a bright glow of curiousity tinged with wariness. Concentrating, you focus your desire of friendship and camaraderie towards that bright spot. At first the wariness holds but it is soon followed by a sharp peak in curiosity as if a decision had been made.

A sleek spotted brown samoyed pads into the area!
Summon Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Dismiss an unwanted companion animal

Unfortunately, this time I didn't get what I wanted. I wanted a female black-tufted timber ocelot. Fortunately, I could get rid of the samoyed pretty easily using dismiss.

>dismiss samoyed
With a momentary backward glance, the spotted brown samoyed turns and slowly moves away, finally disappearing from sight.

Wait 30 minutes

Before trying again, wait a while. If it hasn't been 30 minutes, you won't get another companion animal.

>prep 630
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Animal Companion spell...
Your spell is ready.
>summon companion
You realize the soul-wrenching experience from your last encounter with a companion has not yet faded. Mayhaps you should contemplate on this for awhile longer.
Summon Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Try summoning again.

>prep 630
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Animal Companion spell...
Your spell is ready.
>summon companion
You open your senses wide and allow the desires and feelings of the areas denizens fill your mind. Warily, at the very edge of your perceptions, you feel a bright glow of curiousity tinged with wariness. Concentrating, you focus your desire of friendship and camaraderie towards that bright spot. At first the wariness holds but it is soon followed by a sharp peak in curiosity as if a decision had been made.

A black-tufted timber ocelot prowls majestically forward!
Summon Roundtime 3 Seconds. >l oce

You see a fairly typical timber ocelot.
She appears to be in good shape.
She has nothing at this time.

Interacting with the desired companion animal

This time, I got what I wanted! I have to interact with her and make her want to be my lifelong companion, so I'll treat her well. If I haven't done enough to earn her trust, she'll tell me. Note: I forgot food; fortunately, I didn't need it. If you're going for an avian companion, you'll want to take food with you, since you can't pet them while they're flying.

>pet ocelot
You pet the ocelot.
>befriend ocelot
The timber ocelot stares back, wariness still present in her demeanor.
>pet ocelot
You pet the ocelot.
>pet ocelot
You pet the ocelot.
>pet ocelot
You pet the ocelot.
>hug oce
You reach over the timber ocelot's back and clasp your arms around her neck in a warm embrace.
>scratch oce
As you scratch the timber ocelot behind the ears, she tilts her head into your hand, attempting to offer up the best angle to reach the itchiest spots.
>befriend ocelot
The timber ocelot looks you steadily in the eye and finally nods as if in acceptance.
You beam!