You see First Mate Lusiander the Halfling Pirate.
He appears to be in the prime of life and average height. He has bright crystal blue eyes and bronze skin. He has short, tousled golden blonde hair. He has a round face and bushy sideburns.
He has a polished golden hoop in the upper ridge of his left ear, and a diamond-set sleek gold stud in his left eyebrow.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a flamboyant blue leather hat sporting a snowy cockatrice plume, an open-necked stained linen shirt, an ornate gold and sapphire sun talisman, a brown leather vest, a gold-buckled black leather sword-belt, an embossed silver compass case, a weathered brown leather satchel, and a pair of side-laced dark blue suede breeches.