Post/mail quests.
Five isn't enough voice throws
- Two more voice throws planned.
- talking about going up to ten.
- approval to do whatever they want as long as it fits.
- performance oriented--thieves will have them also
- 20-30 recalls coming out
- each new predictions have recalls built in
- lots of cross-guild interaction
Bardic hunting area
- some areas may *need* a bard to access
Enchantes v. 2.1
- Bare bones
- Spell slots like magic primaries
- Key, tempo
- Core system mostly
- determines difficulty of playing two different enchantes in the same area--skill check
- 4/4 time vs. 3/4 time
- eventually multi-room enchantes
- will be doing preview for enchantes
- May not get enchantes back if you screw up the events
- play WITH another bard the enchantes--give a bonus to how well they can play it
- power perception works the same
- PM/instrument using rather than PM/HM
- Music skill determines music clash
Mana song
- determines how much mana you put in an enchante
- defaults to minimum
- can change the mana on the fly, while it's going
spells will auto prep at minimum
Cambrinth leech
- draws slowly from charged cam in addition to harness
- messaging for when cam is empty
Stats are more important to the contested enchantes
fatigue and concentration drains are gone
Melodic enchantes can be played on several types of instruments
Rhythmic enchantes are percussion, sometimes voice only
Performing an enchant
- creating and recreating the spell pattern to keep it going
- will be easier for a bard to get it started than a spell to cast
- barbarian resistance only counts when the enchant starts or bard changes room
- they don't all go indefinitely
- messaging is going to collapse
- Enchantes have:
- an introduction
- verse
- chorus
- bridge
- refrain
- altro
- solo--instrumental part
- Different song parts will give different effects
- Will have difficulty ratings to them
Multi-bard enchantes
Ellie's Cry--will be playable while dead. Is considered a 'ghost song'
Creatures will be using enchantes eventually
no scroll enchantes for a while
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