Simucon 2006 Quotes
Not as many quotes, but this was an unofficial 'con.
Can I have a unibrow? - Elec
Everyone's basically going to stop what they're working on and everything shifts to P5. - Solomon
I'll pay you if you talk Major into coming back. - Anonymous
I knew Vorclaf, and then Vorclaf changed hands, and Vorclaf doesn't know me now. - Ysselt
Oh, sorry. Wearing nothing special. Characters are never naked. - Solomon
I just want a unibrow. - Elec
The game's known as Dragonrealms. Where the fuck are the dragons? - Tweezy
The hunters become the hunted. - Shavay
Can I change my last name to Striker? - Elec
I need to know how long I have while I can still enjoy my money. - Issus
You can type n and do the same thing a flying carpet would do. - Solomon
No one is going to get Shapeshifter's armor because that is Shapeshifter's armor. - Solomon
If you say shovel, I'll kick you in the mouth. - Solomon
I figured you would make a comment on the size of your butt. - Solomon
Or I would rip your nuts off and shove them so far up your ass that you'd be tasting them next week. - Arwinia
DR Future, here I come. - Arwinia
I prefer to be called geek. - Elonka
You were living the forty-year-old virgin! - Tyrathia on Elonka's blind date
I've tried many times but been turned away by large guys with guns. - Elonka on trying to get into the CIA
Tyrathia, you missed it. A guy walked into the girls' bathroom and went, "Oh, not again." - Bambina
Dude, don't show me your nipples! - Jim from the office to Mike P from the office
Oh no, my nipple, oh my god. -
You don't drink, you're just naturally eccentric. - Shavay about (and to) Tyrathia
You haven't had a quote from me since the first day. - Major
There's some incriminating stuff out there. - Major
Where is she? - unknown
Probably passed out in the men's room again. - unknown
My name is Kiki, and in French, it means dick. - GM Hazel
You can say really dirty things in really cute voices when you're speaking to the baby. - Kiki
The first thing out of two out of my four children was shit, swear to god. - Major
What the hell does this word mean? - Algion, pointing to sushi menu
California? - Andy
If you get me divorced, I'm hunting you down. - forcibly anonymous.
There are internet sexual predators like me sitting here. - Algion
You're not even drunk yet, are you? - Jodie (Gary's wife)
If I have chopsticks, someone's going to lose an eye. And you can write that one down. - Major
I still have hair. It's interesting. - Major
It's staging a strategic retreat. - Algion
Everybody from G4 is short. Write that down. - Major
That short bastard. - Major about someone from G4.
If you ask her how to drink it, she'll think you are stupid. - Soim
She already thinks we're stupid. - Algion
All she has to do is look at them and she knows. - Simu-Gary
I look like I'm twelve without a mustache. - Major
The best thing that I saw at E3 was the 3-D monitor. - Major
Elonka, you can take advantage of me now. - Major
Quit rubbing up on Major. - Simu-Jim
Naw, she's allowed. - Major
I just said, I could have got that bra so fast Elonka's head would have spun. - Forcibly anonymous
Be nice to dick! - Algion
You're talking about warriors and dancers, and you missed the boobs that just walked by? - Major to Algion
Where'd they go. - Algion, immediately getting up and leaving.
40, minimum. Major was way off. - Algion
On what? - Tyrathia
On the boobs that walked by. - Algion, after giving Tyrathia an insulted look.
That's how you flirt with people of different languages. Do I have to teach you everything? - Major to Algion
You're not making me money bitch, this was just a one time thing. - GM Hazel
Everybody needs wood. (pause) Oh god that sounded bad. - Tyrathia
No, that sounded pretty normal, actually. - Krakii
I'm dreaming if I want wood, right? - Krakii
Do you feel finished? - Kathy
Do you play chess? - Andy
Yes, but there's no roads in chess. - Elonka
There's the deep thought of the day. - Krakii
She was so smashed, I was just waiting for the top to come off. - forcibly anonymous
Was it a DR player? - Krakii
I don't care. - forcibly anonymous
Good answer. - Krakii
I'm not drunk yet. - Algion
I'm drunk so it's ok. - Azaylia
No you're not, you're still walking and your shirt is still on. - Major
This woman is secretly in love with me, just so you know. - Boomsplat.
It's not that secret. - Shavay
You're doing quotable quotes, aren't you? - Shavay
Are you legal? - Elonka
Yes. - Algion
For sex or for alcohol? - Elonka
Both - Algion
In Missouri? - Elonka
In any country - Algion
(This quote has been authenticated as correct by Elonka)
For his next gig, he'll be at Six Flags. - Elonka, referring to a waiter.
I can't go to Six Flags. - Algion (6'3")
Because you're not tall enough? - Elonka
Please help me, I gotta get his real name. He's been locked out for WHAT?! - Elonka, miming looking up Algion's account information during a medical emergency.
If you don't stop saying funny things, you'll never get her to put the laptop away. - GM Hazel
I've seen and taken off enough bras that it's not that big of a deal. And don't you write that down. - Algion
Yeah, I was locked out of wikipedia permanently. The official reason was, sustained series of personal attacks, obviously not here to create an encyclopedia in any way. - Elonka
He's just slam, bam, give em the chocolate, thank you, ma'am, bye. - Elonka
We could do this all night, baby. - Elonka
I missed the second one. - Tyrathia
Too bad. - Elonka
Life sucks, get over it. It's not appropriate for children under….thirty. - Algion
I think you'd been a really fun teacher. - Elonka
Up until I killed someone. - Algion
Who says that's not fun? - Elonka
All I know is I'm just getting bit. - Algion
I just screwed you. - Dwelle
In public in the lobby. - Krakii
God I hate being harmless. - Shavay
Do you know that I've only been quoted once. - Bambina
Can I lick your ear while you're lying there? - Zelaide
Just cause I wanna let you suck my dick doesn't make me gay, Mike. - Zelaide to Algion
You already puked on me, if you set me on fire I will fucking kill you. - Algion to Daminious
Surely you didn't say anything incriminating, you're innocent. - Zelaide
Exactly. - Vrii