If you're looking for information on this site(or just looking, for that matter), and can't find it here and want to ask me directly, please read before emailing or IMing me.
1. You keep records of merchants and festivals. What
about auctions?
1a. Do you have a log of Terald's Auction at the Therenborough festival?
1b. Do you know who currently owns [auction item]?
1c. Do you know the exact description of [general description
of auction item]?
2. Do you have any idea what's going on with [fill in the name of any GM NPC]?
3. Do you have any idea where my item comes from? I can't find it in any of the merchandise listings here.
4. Do you know who won the latest [fill in the blank] contest?
5. Do you know when the next festival/merchant event/quest is going to be?
6. Where do you get all this information?
7. I have a log or logs of [event], but there isn't anything comparable to it on your site. Do you want a copy?
8. Why isn't there a search engine for DRFuturepast?
9. Why do you do this?
1. You keep records of merchants and festivals. What about auctions?
I have logs of *most* auctions. Because of the vast glut of festivals and merchants I've been trying to get put up on the website, the auctions have been put on the back burner, a situation I hope to remedy very soon. As to what auctions I have?
Partial logs of the Feast of Eluned Auctions
Therenborough festival auctions, Silver and Token
Rathan Carnival Auction
Ice Festival Auctions, Silver and Token
Premium Auction
Wren Faire Auctions (results posted)
5th-year Premium Token Auction (results posted)
Please note that I have DragonRealms auction logs. I do *NOT* have any GemStoneIV, Alliance of Heroes, or Modus Operandi auction logs whatsoever.
1a. Do you have a log of Terald's Auction at the Therenborough festival?
To put it bluntly, NO. I was not interested in Terald's items, as I couldn't hope to afford any of them and they just plain weren't to my taste. The scroll was driving me crazy as it was, especially coming right after one of the other auctions. The ONLY information I have on the items from Terald's auction are appraisals on some of the weapons and armor, information generously shared by Trikein, and what was posted on notes and signs in Terald's tent.
However, if anyone happens to *have* a log of Terald's auction, I would be more than happy to clean it up and post whatever information is contained within.
1b. Do you know who currently owns [auction item]?
No. I don't keep track of who buys what from whomever, aside from who *originally* purchased it at the auction provided I have that particular log. There are a few items I know of offhand, a couple I have in my possession, a few I've been informed of through information exchanges, and that kind of thing, but otherwise, I can provide the name of the original owner, but you're on your own in tracking it down further.
1c. Do you know the exact description of [general description of auction item]?
Probably. Email me with as much as you remember about it and I'll see what I can find. The particular auction, what it is, any identifying marks, etc., are a good starting point.
2. Do you have any idea what's going on with [fill in the name of any GM run NPC]?
I have started compiling a small library of donated 'current' events logs, but have not had a chance to go through, clean, or post them as of yet.
Other than that...
No. I'm not all that interested in in-game politics. They take too much effort to keep up with, and if I want an RP plotline to follow, I'll shell out some extra cash and go on a quest for a short foray into hell.
The other reason is that this website is to document the past, rather than current events. DragonRealms Future Past refers to the events that we look forward to in the future, but have already happened. Events we want to remember.
3. Do you have any idea where my item comes from? I can't find it on any of your item listings.
There's three possibilities--ok, make that four.
One, it's before my time. I didn't start cataloguing seriously until the Feast of Eluned. Everything I have from before then was either pure serendipity, or generosity on the part of someone else who happened to have logs or records of some kind.
Two, it's altered. 'Nuff said.
Three, it's from a freestanding merchant I don't have records of, period. There's a few of those I *know* of, and probably lots more I don't.
Four, it's just plain missing from some merchant I *do* have, or else it's listed in a merchant I'm still working on, like the Taisidon Safari.
In any of these cases--please feel free to ask me. I have a lot more resources than are on this website and I can search them, as long as you have at least a fairly accurate description.
At this point in time, I have roughly 98% of my DragonRealms material done and posted. Chances are if it's not on the site, I don't know where it's from. 4. Do you know who won the latest [fill in the blank] contest?
No. I don't. I'm too busy trying to move towards my in-game goals and get/keep this website up to date to keep track of who won what contest, be it premium, trivia, storytelling, songwriting, or whatever. If someone wants to send me logs of the competitions, again, I'll be happy to post the information.
5. Do you know when the next festival/merchant event/quest is going to be?
I have my suspicions, but I won't start rumors by saying. Part of the reason I support this website is to remember just how much the GameMasters and GameHosts do for us aside from making it harder to advance or earn money. I won't disrespect them by starting a rumor and then having the populace disappointed that my suspicions weren't correct.
6. Where do you get all this information?
Most of the information found on this site has been collected by yours truly. I log out of habit in all four games I play, as well as all three instances of DragonRealms. I have cataloguing events down to a science, but still miss things here and there, and with the appraisal requirements in DragonRealms, I am no longer able to include information on the same scale as I have been in the past.
The remainder has been gathered and/or donated by others, particularly Cleodelia and Aquamarine in GSIII, and too many to name here in DragonRealms.
Events I miss in any game are due to the fact that I have a life outside of DR, GSIII, HX, and MO, and even if I could be in all four 24/7, I can't be everywhere at once, much less paying attention to what's going on. The more people who can help out in logging events and keeping me informed, the more complete this site will be.
You bet. I don't care what it is(aside from a normal day of hunting). Merchants, weddings, festivals, invasions, talks with Vorclaf or whomever, Guild events, City events, Province events(yes, I'll be accepting logs of the upcoming competitions)...
Rabid pasta invasions, burping wells, bloated fish falling from the sky, discussions at the gate with Ares, Aphrodite, Cupid, whomever, etc, ad nauseam...
The only logs I do *not* want are assists and referals. The only things I would like are the descriptions of GameHosts and/or GameMasters. That's it.
8. Why isn't there a search engine for DRFuturepast?
Quite frankly, I first intended this site *not* to have a search engine. Then people started asking for one. There is one: Google. Put whatever item you're looking for in quotes and hit search. If I have records of it, it'll pop up here, probably in more than one place. At that point, look for files that end in i: tfi.htm, tri.htm, wmi.htm, etc. The i stands for inventory; those are the festival listings. If a file ending in i doesn't pop up on Google, and there are links on my site, it's from a freestanding merchant. I don't have item lists of those. Then again, there aren't that many on my site.
Why don't I have a search engine JUST for drfp? Well, A) the site is over 60,000 files now. B) I don't want to change webhosts, and I'd have to. C) With google in existence, well, it's just not worth my time and effort. I already put the time in on the festival item lists. Considering the amount I put in on drfp, doing a lot more just so people who use it don't have to spend an extra two minutes looking something up doesn't appeal to me. Sorry, but I'm just as lazy as everyone else when it comes to superfluous work.
The big question, huh. Lots of reasons. We all remember our first festival with fondness, but the details fade. The vast majority of those I've talked to wish they'd logged whatever event, but didn't. This is a small trip into the past, a nostalgic look back at memories that would otherwise be forgotten, and a thank you to the people who provided them.
It was also something I felt needed to be done before the resources required to do it were lost, due to attrition, computer crashes, new computers, etc.
Recently, due to the generosity of one GM in particular, I've been slowly filling in the gaps of some of the older merchants. Why pass up such an opportunity?