The Things You Learn While Questing
All I Really Need To Know I Should Have Learned From Sesame Street

Trajan whispers to your group, "Today's quest was sponsored by the letters A and M and the numbers 4 and 7."

Tyrathia whispers to your group, "You got it wrong, it's two letters, one number."

Trajan whispers to your group, "Oh. I didn't know we had an expert present."

Storrmm grins at Trajan.

Tyrathia snickers.

Storrmm whispers to your group, "now you do."

Tyrathia whispers to your group, "You're talking to someone who got her whole history class singing the Sesame Street numbers song."

Astrilea whispers, "Hehehehe"

Tyrathia whispers to your group, "As a Junior in High school.

Astrilea laughs!

Mhikal grins at Tyrathia.

Trajan whispers to your group, "Everyone please refer to Tyrathia for your important alphabet, rudimentary number and 'What is Big Bird's favorite color?' questions."

Sifra giggles.

Astrilea snickers.

Tyrathia laughs!

Storrmm snickers.

Xochi grins.

Tykyra chuckles.

Selendrae hums to herself.

Sifra shoves futilely at Trajan.

Tyrathia whispers to your group, "I still remember the G is for George/G is for Grover song, and the "Over, Under, and Through" song, and a couple by Cookie Monster..."

Tykyra whispers to your group, "oooo can we sing the rubber ducky song?!?"

Sifra babbles incoherently.

Trajan whispers to your group, "Fun, yet educational."

Tyrathia whispers to your group, "Rubber Ducky, you're the make bath time lots of fun..."

Selendrae whispers to your group, "C is for cookie, is good enough for me..."

Astrilea whispers to your group, "Rubber ducky, you're the make bathtime lots of fun"

Tykyra giggles at Tyrathia.

Sifra whispers to your group, "All together now.. "Rubber Ducky, you're the one!" "You make bath time lots of fun!""

Astrilea snickers.

Storrmm whispers to your group, "Ummmmm aren't we risking an avalanche here or something?"

Storrmm hums to herself.

Thirin dances a lively jig!

Tyrathia laughs!

Selendrae ducks her head.

Tyrathia shakes her head at Storrmm.

Storrmm hums to herself.

Trajan whispers to your group, "Good Lord. Look what I've started."

Tyrathia whispers to your group, "I wanna know what the GMs watching are saying."

Sifra whispers to your group, ""Rubber Ducky I'm awfully fond of you!""

Sifra giggles.

Tykyra cackles!

Astrilea whispers to your group, "Hehe they're probably think we're nuts"

Sifra nods to Astrilea.

Storrmm whispers to your group, "Heck, I want Kotya to chime in!"

Selendrae whispers to your group, "we are"

Sifra whispers to your group, "We are."

Astrilea chortles softly at some secret joke.

Trajan whispers to your group, "I can take an educated guess what they're saying."

Sifra nods to Selendrae.

Sifra cackles at Selendrae!

Storrmm nods.

Tyrathia whispers to your group, "I get to be the cashew!"

Astrilea whispers to your group, "Maybe they're singing with us!"

Astrilea giggles.

Trajan whispers to your group, "And it probably involves the words 'on crack'."

Sifra laughs at Trajan.

Astrilea laughs!

Tykyra laughs at Trajan.

Xochi chuckles.

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