We all have those stories that are just plain funny. Here are some of those I'd like to share.
...a woodchuck chuck...
It's a plane, it's...
Or so it seems.
...are death and taxes. Guess which this one's about.
Serves 4.
See what happens when you type too fast?
Sometimes it's more than just a pretty rock.
Needs no explanation.
It wrestles with the door.
Inventory: Lose It...or Lose It
What happens when you get warned a few too many times about too much stuff.
The Things You Learn While Questing
A short tale of silliness on Corik's Tomb.
Chatter on the Gwethnet spirals into insanity.
If A Tree Falls In The Forest...
Weird things happen to Traders after a crash.
What the Weather Will Be is Not as Important...
...as whether or not there will be weather...
Underwater...well...not basketweaving.
Everything too short for its own page.