Your mind hears Bloodsniper thinking, "can anyone tell me if hele'la head arrows are supposed to lodge or no"
Your mind hears Jenealle thinking, "They lodge."
Your mind hears Elsulose thinking, "fairly deeply too"
Your mind hears Rantjur thinking, "they lodge. Hell, I've seen blunts and tempest arrows lodge before. But hele's are designed to lodge"
Your mind hears Purreliss thinking, "They're arrows. . .course they lodge. They're *supposed* to."
Your mind hears Wooderson thinking, "you would think someone with the word sniper in his name..."
Your mind hears Elsulose thinking, "would that mean we should ask you about buildings?"
Your mind hears Wooderson thinking, "all manner of wood and wood byproducts yes"
Your mind hears Nyken thinking, "Do buildings lodge?"
Your mind hears Kougen thinking, "Byproducts?"
Your mind hears Elsulose thinking, "ha ha, nice one..."
Your mind hears Brezza thinking, "how much wood can a woodchuck chuck?"
Your mind hears Tyrathia thinking, "Buildings would be nice lodgings, I'd hope."
Your mind hears Jenealle thinking, "Forty-two board feet per minute, Brezza."
Your mind hears Tyrathia thinking, "I live in a building."
Your mind hears Narcessus thinking, "if a woodchuck could chuck wood? lots i suppose"
Your mind hears Reiku thinking, "depends on the establishment Nyken.. some just rent by the hour..."
Your mind hears Fenance thinking, "42"
Your mind hears Wooderson thinking, "not unless it is a headquarters for a lodge of some sort, wood chucks actually chuck no wood, they chew"
Your mind hears Elsulose thinking, "but woodpeckers, peck?"
Your mind hears Wooderson thinking, "correct"
Your mind hears Tyrathia thinking, "I didn't think they asked how much they DID. Just how much they WOULD."
Your mind hears Fenance thinking, "do Wood troll's troll?"
Your mind hears Narcessus thinking, "so whats keeping the woodchuck from chucking the wood?"
Your mind hears Tyrathia thinking, "If they do, I don't want to know."
Your mind hears Wooderson thinking, "I heard COULD"
Your mind hears Rantjur thinking, "a woodchuck could chuck 2 chucks wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood."
Your mind hears Reiku thinking, "how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck COULD chuck wood."
Your mind hears Kougen thinking, "Would wood trolls be a wood byproduct?"
Your mind hears Olur thinking, "yer all mad"
Your mind hears Milithraldur thinking, "They'd have to be the byproduct of some critter and wood"
Your mind hears Elsulose thinking, "I think fishing boats are made out of wood trolls"
Your mind hears Coranada thinking, "couldnt ya just use would thrower instead of wood chucker? would be easier to understand hehehe"
Your mind hears Fenance thinking, "So a woodchuck would chuck as much as he could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck (and would chuck) wood."
Your mind hears Wooderson thinking, "I have no jurisdiction in would"
Your mind hears Reiku thinking, "that made my brain hurt"
Your mind hears Chrystalanne thinking, "Im trying to imagine the chucking"
Your mind hears Wooderson thinking, "that would be Woulderson"
Your mind hears Markhor thinking, "Wooderson, pond?"
Your mind hears Meryle thinking, "so, the question is: What would Chuck do?"
Your mind hears Wooderson thinking, "yessir"
Your mind hears Bloodsniper thinking, "upchuck"
Your mind hears Coranada thinking, "how far can they chuck this wood.. and what type of wood are you saying they would chuck?"
Your mind hears Reiku thinking, "chuck chuck bo buck mananna fanna fo.. never mind."
Your mind hears Tyrathia thinking, "And who would they hit with the wood that they chucked? And if no one was around to see, would anyone care?
Your mind hears Elsulose thinking, "Im more concerned about what Vibrato knows about!"
Your mind hears Wooderson thinking, "good point, differing wood density's make that tongue twister vague"
Your mind hears Elsulose thinking, "we already know what all rant's can do......."