SEND[Hodyrn] Tyrathia, I see you're testing the Junkyard. Thanks for reminding me. I wanted to see what happens if someone dies when in there. Just a moment...
>report you really expected someone ELSE to test the junkyard?!?
SEND[Danalae] Hodyrn's too nice. I wanted to test the script that steals all your items.
>report It's a good thing that this isn't the real game then, isn't it? Especially since my next trick is to forcefeed the gemshop about 600 plat worth of gems.
* Tyrathia was just struck down!
Your crystal shard and red flower fall to the ground.
Your death cry echoes in your brain as it quickly dawns on you that you have just died! Already, you feel the tug of eternity upon your spirit and you struggle to remain tied to this world.
You are somewhat comforted that you have gained favor with your God and are in no danger from passing on into the Starry Road forever.
Your body will decay beyond its ability to hold your soul in 294 minutes.
DEAD>report can I depart now or try departing at least?
DEAD>report and can you get me back here to get my stuff if I do?
SEND[Danalae] You don't think we'd let you out of there THAT easily, do you?
DEAD>report Well, Hodyrn wanted to see what dying was like in here.
DEAD>report Not my fauly I became the victim.
SEND[Hodyrn] Tyrathia, I'm not going to be helping you... the point is to see what happens if you die there... all alone... far from help...
DEAD>report Ah, I see. You do realize this whole thing is going on my humor pages. And who the heck keeps sending me blank send lines of yellow stars?
* Tyrathia was just struck down!
Your death cry echoes in your brain as it quickly dawns on you that you have just died! Already, you feel the tug of eternity upon your spirit and you struggle to remain tied to this world.
You are somewhat comforted that you have gained favor with your God and are in no danger from passing on into the Starry Road forever.
Your body will decay beyond its ability to hold your soul in 294 minutes.
Having over 500 items in your inventory seriously increases your character's risk of being corrupted. A corrupted character loses everything, including all their experience, and may take several months to restore. To bring your character down below the 500-item limit, try cleaning out your mortar, and any other herbs, branches and low-value items you are carrying. Once you are under the 500-item limit, you will be able to GO PORTAL, and will be returned to the place where you left.
To see how many items you are currently carrying, type LOOK PORTAL.
You are a ghost! You must wait until someone resurrects you, or you decay. Either way, it won't be long now! (HELP for more details).
DEAD>report Ok, I was already dead. Why did I just get the you just died messaging again?
[A Junk Yard]
You are here because you have too many items on your character. Please use the available garbage bin to get rid of these items. For more information on why you must dispose of some items, please READ the sign. When you are done, use the portal to return to the game. If you still have too many items when you try to leave through the portal, you will be messaged so. For a current status of how many items you have, use LOOK PORTAL. Thank you.
You also see a red flower, a green crystal shard, a garbage bin, a really BIG sign, and a glowing portal.
Obvious exits: none.
Having over 500 items in your inventory seriously increases your character's risk of being corrupted. A corrupted character loses everything, including all their experience, and may take several months to restore. To bring your character down below the 500-item limit, try cleaning out your mortar, and any other herbs, branches and low-value items you are carrying. Once you are under the 500-item limit, you will be able to GO PORTAL, and will be returned to the place where you left.
To see how many items you are currently carrying, type LOOK PORTAL.
DEAD>report Ok, well, apparently I Just lie here and rot, since depart doesn't work in the junkyard.
SEND[Hodyrn] Good question... you can't depart, you can't get out?
SEND[Danalae] Oh, good, it works.
SEND[Hodyrn] So far, haven't done a thing after killing you the first time... just watching what is happening with the automatics.
!>report Well, I didn't try and go portal while I was dead.
SEND[Hodyrn] Still watching...
!>report but something killed me a second time while I was dead, or something, cause I got the messaging again...
!>go port
Thank you for taking time to get rid of these extra items! It is greatly appreciated by the Simutronics staff.
Returning you to the game....
[Whistling Wood, Path]
Like the footprint of a giant bird, the trail branches in three directions. One branch curves toward the northwest, where a large hill of dirt and rock rises from the earth. Another leads deeper into the dead silence of the wood, its end lost in the dark shadows beneath the trees. The third branch leads east towards the derelict road. You also see a dead tree with a darkened hollow near its base.
Obvious paths: east, southwest, northwest.
Your body feels like you should be dead.
Your spirit feels full of life.
You have a grotesquely bloated head with bleeding from the eyes and ears compounded by a pulpy stump for a head, a severely swollen and shattered neck which appears useless to hold up the head compounded by a completely useless neck with nearly all flesh and bone torn away, a severely swollen and shattered right arm which appears completely useless compounded by an ugly stump for a right arm, some tiny scars across the right arm, a severely swollen and shattered left arm which appears completely useless compounded by an ugly stump for a left arm, a severely swollen and shattered right leg which appears completely useless compounded by an ugly stump for a right leg, some tiny scars across the right leg, a severely swollen and shattered left leg which appears completely useless compounded by an ugly stump for a left leg, some tiny scars across the left leg, a severely swollen and shattered right hand which appears completely useless compounded by an ugly stump for a right hand, a severely swollen and shattered left hand which appears completely useless compounded by an ugly stump for a left hand, some tiny scars across the left hand, a severely swollen chest area with a shattered rib cage compounded by a completely destroyed chest area with nearly all flesh and bone torn away revealing a gaping hole, a severely bloated and discolored abdomen appears oddly rearranged compounded by a completely destroyed abdomen with nearly all flesh and bone torn away revealing a gaping hole, a severely swollen back with a shattered spinal cord compounded by a completely destroyed back with nearly all flesh and bone torn away revealing a gaping hole, a severely swollen, bruised and blind right eye compounded by a pulpy cavity for a right eye, a severely swollen, bruised and blind left eye compounded by a pulpy cavity for a left eye, complete paralysis of the entire body compounded by open and bleeding sores all over the skin.
Area Rate ----------------------------------------- right arm severe left arm severe right leg severe left leg severe right hand very bad left hand very bad right eye heavy left eye heavy skin slight inside r. arm severe inside l. arm severe inside r. leg severe inside l. leg severe inside r. hand very bad inside l. hand very bad inside r. eye moderate inside l. eye moderate!>
You are somewhat comforted that you have gained favor with your God and are in no danger from passing on into the Starry Road forever.
Your body will decay beyond its ability to hold your soul in 294 minutes.
SEND[Hodyrn] Thank you for testing. The mechanics are working properly to handle death in the junkyard.
Congratulations Tyrathia! You just received a role-playing award! Don't forget to review the RPA verb for how to use your award.
>report Uh, thanks for the award.::giggle:: does that apply for the regular version too?
SEND[Danalae] Can we kill you over there?
report Maybe. Depends on how amusing you make it.
>report and why is it I keep getting these blank send messages?
SEND[Hodyrn] What blank messages?
report when I get a send message, I get a line of about 20 *'s in yellow, followed by the SEND[GMNAME] Message here, followed by another line of about 20 *'s. I've gotten about four or five Send messages without the SEND[GMNAME] Message in the middle. Just two lines of yellow ***.
SEND[Danalae] We're out to get you? New bug, Hodyrn's working on it!