I'm going to make the dangerous assumtion that everyone knows what an alteration is: that elusive opportunity to design your own item exactly to your taste. Well, within the rules.
Since I started playing DragonRealms, and then GemStoneIV, and back to DragonRealms again, I've had a good deal of experience designing alterations both for myself and others in both games.
Simply a listing of the alterations I've had done in these three games, and the stories behind their themes. While I put these on display, I hope that they are used for inspiration, and not copied.
I've been given the opportunity to design many alterations for friends and acquaintances over the years. Here are but a few, whose owners have graciously allowed me to display the items.
DragonRealms - not yet posted
Alterations I've Designed but Have Not Been Created
For whatever reason, there are some things I've created but don't have a home. Feel free to use them; please let me know if and when you do so I can move them.
Others have put together some thorough guides to designing alterations. Here's a few things most people don't think about.
Yes, I do design alterations for others. I'm very happy to, actually. Here's how to contact me, what to prepare beforehand, and what to expect.